Closest train station: Ipswich
Trains from London depart Liverpool Street Station and roughly take 1 hour 15 mins.
Distance from Station to Venue: 15 mins by Taxi
Driving to Church: IP5 1DH
What 3 Words: serve.tops.attend
Parking available at the Church
Please note: distance between Church and Reception is 300m
During the ceremony you are able to park at the church.
For the reception we are trying to establish how many people will need parking (please let us know via the RSVP form when you fill it out) so that we can update you on where to park for the day.
Premier Inn
33 Key Street, Ipswich, IP4 1BZ
Novotel Ipswich Centre
Grey Friars Road, Ipswich IP1 1UP
B&B Hotel Ipswich
Ranelagh Road, Ipswich, IP2 0AD
More upmarket:
Milsoms Kesgrave Hall
Hall Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 2PU
Salthouse Harbour Hotel
1 Neptune Quay, Ipswich, IP4 1AX
AIR BNB’s: There are a number of Air BnB’s available in the area; locations within a 15 minute drive or less from the venue are Kesgrave, Woodbridge, Martlesham, Ipswich town centre.